Here’s an example of the stories we get from our customers. And sometimes they become a problem because we are prohibited from publishing any material that may be a medical claim of therapeutic effect.
So I’m going to edit this story we received this week to make it acceptable. See if you can add the missing words.
This stuff is also remineralising my _____.
I don’t know if it is solely this but I take a combination of sea moss, fermented cod liver oil, burdock root and pine needle tea. I am vegetarian and eat a raw diet if mainly green lettuces seafood potatoes vegetables etc.
Before going on this diet I was sick of feeling weak and my hair and nails breaking off. This stuff has changed my life. I went to doctors and did blood tests but as we know doctors slap a bandaid on the problem with petroleum based pills and never find the root cause. Looking within and realising my diet has the biggest impact on my health I ditched the doctor and turned to plant based medicine. THANK YOU!”
Frankly, I think it’s difficult to even work out what our contributing product was, but I’m guessing, because he or she is into green diet, it’s _______!
Here’s another lovely one we received.
“The best water ever.
One day I asked my brother to bring me a glass of water. One sip and I knew it wasn’t tap water. The taste is significantly different and the water is so so soft, unlike the harsh water from the tap.
Investing in my families water was the best thing I ever did. I love all the products from here. You are improving the world ! You are giving people healthier water. Basically God!”
We didn’t have to change anything this time because he simply loves our water. Thank you! You make our day when you tell us how you are enjoying what we do!
By the way...
we are giving away a $25 voucher to anyone who would like to send us a video testimonial about their Own experience with their UltraStream water. Not only that, we’re also giving away a free replacement filter to you if we decide your story is the best we receive this month. Here’s your link.
And just for being here.. here’s a website we enjoyed, all about where your river water goes.