Which is best? Ionizer or PEM?
Tywon Hubbard's new video demonstrates water ionizer vs. PEM H2 system
Could molecular hydrogen be the key element of life on earth? Learn more about how it supports our present day health.
Can Hydrogen Water help skin health? An updated report.
This excellent article from Alex Tarnava, inventor of our Alkaway Hydrogen tablets give everything you need to know about his dissolvable H2 tablets.
We were lucky enough to be right there with the first ever hydrogen tablets some five years ago. Now we're still way out front with our high yield hyd...
This report just just been released. It shows how researchers tested H2 water on scalp health. For me, it opens up a whole world of possibilities.
Can your Hydrogen infused water help your grow this year? Yes!
A mind boggling video about the nature of molecular hydrogen.
Amazing study of the effects of molecular hydrogen on mice...
How can we know that molecular hydrogen is a natural choice for health and longevity?