Ian’s Monthly Pick of Fun Website Links

Alkaline Balance 1 min read

Microplastics: There are, it appears, everywhere. We’ve talked about them before in relation to our water, because we now know that we’re consuming the equivalent of the plastic in a credit card every month. Here’s how the industry is responding to plastics in our clothing. More info here

And here’s another pretty kool way we would like to see in Australia. What do you think? Should we chase it up so you can access it? Take a look!

The Christmas spirit is over... Or is it?
A lovely simple story of giving

A sustainable, vegan car??

When someone really wants to seriously clean up the air in their home. A great story and lots of useful info.

Is your routine working for you? Here’s a great post on why it may not work, and what you can do about it.

Thailand’s 12-year old answer to Greta Thunberg. See her here!

Interested in sustainable innovations? This site keeps you up to date!

Do you eye your toilet brush with some degree of fear and loathing? Check this answer.

Does your water filter increase ‘forever’ toxins in your drinking water? Find out!

BushFires and Your Water. What you really DO need to know

False claims about alkaline ionized water. Heard any of these lately?

Erica’s Spring Detox Advice and How-To
