Alex Tarnava is the inventor of our amazing I LOVE H2 Hydrogen tablets. He’s attracting a lot of attention for at least two reasons.
1. He has created a product FAR better than any other hydrogen tablet.. and he has patented it.
2. He’s NOT a scientist or a chemist. Just one helluva smart guy!
We are extremely lucky to be the sole distributor of our branded (but identical) version of his product he talks about here.
Here’s the article.
Fast-paced lifestyles have everyone on a constant lookout for therapeutic or medicinal interventions to stay fit and manage stress. For the same reason when hydrogen water, claimed to be containing therapeutic properties for metabolic health emerged in the market, health enthusiasts took note.
Four years later, the hydrogen water industry is a big business. But, the advent of so many companies selling hydrogen water has made it difficult to distinguish real from fake.
That is part of the reason why Alex Tarnava, CEO and founder of Drink HRW, embarked on a mission to create the most advanced and positive benefit yielding hydrogen water technology possible.
Tarnava stumbled upon molecular hydrogen when he was looking out for emerging therapies that could slow down his osteoarthritis, which he developed quite early on at his physical prime. An athlete and a science enthusiast, Tarnava was skeptical at first, especially because so many companies were out there claiming to heal illnesses with hydrogen water but without any data to back their claims.
So, he decided to pursue his interest and develop his own do-it-yourself solution. Around this time, Tarnava reached out to Dr. Richard Holland, an expert in medicinal chemistry, to seek his help in the matter.
After a great deal of experimentation, 16 months of trial and error and thousands of iterative adjustments, the duo got a formula to work and produced Drink HRW open-cup hydrogen tablets. Today, the company’s science-based supplements are quite literally changing the health industry as we know it.
What is Hydrogen Water
Simply put, hydrogen water is hydrogen gas (H2) dissolved into water.
But, why do we need to dissolve additional hydrogen when water already contains it?
The existing hydrogen in the water is bound to the oxygen to make H2O and does not deliver any of the benefits that molecular hydrogen is scientifically shown to deliver.
Previously, clinical research has demonstrated that inhalation of hydrogen gas has therapeutic medical effects. Surprisingly, clinical studies exploring molecular hydrogen’s therapeutic benefits have also shown that dissolving the gas in water and drinking it, known as hydrogen water, shows similar, if not superior results than simple inhalation, despite the low dosage.
It’s important to note that adding hydrogen gas does not alter the pH or change the structure of the water molecule, say experts. “Hydrogen water is often made by bubbling pure hydrogen gas into water, electrolysis of water, which decomposes the water molecule to hydrogen gas and oxygen gas, or other simple innovative methods such as metallic minerals,” explained Tyler W. LeBaron, founder and director of the Molecular Hydrogen Institute, a non-profit that works with universities and research institutions to study hydrogen.
From Improving Metabolic Disorders to Cancer Treatment—Benefits of Hydrogen Therapy
Hydrogen therapy exhibits numerous benefits, including improving lifestyle-induced metabolic disorders, athletic performance, recovery of neurological issues and even cancer research, both for treating the cancer as well as reducing the negative side effects of radiation and chemotherapy.
Over 1,500 research papers have been published showing the benefits of hydrogen therapy, with around 100 trials having been done on humans, with a vast majority demonstrating a benefit. However, it is important to note that none of these studies have been large-scale phase III clinical research and much more research is needed to confirm the potential benefits of hydrogen therapy, whether it be via hydrogen water or hydrogen inhalation, before conclusions can be made on its absolute effectiveness.
Drink HRW Tablets Safe Way to Reverse Metabolic Syndrome
Drink HRW’s science-based supplements are quite literally changing the health industry.
A major reason for the company’s success is its aggressive pursuit of clinical research. While most companies have little to no clinical proof about benefits of hydrogen water, Drink HRW is the only company in the market that has six published clinical trials, two published case studies, 15 more clinical trials underway, and four preclinical research programmes at various stages. The company’s commitment to research has led it to work with 12 universities and research facilities across the world.
Further, Drink HRW is the first company to have released gas chromatography results to the public and also the first company to receive International Hydrogen Standards Association (IHSA) Certification in North America. The IHSA is a group of research scientists that have set standards to certify products as containing the lowest observed therapeutic threshold. This low standard is something that many technologies in the market do not achieve. Tarnava’s technology that is used for Drink HRW tablets, and several other brands currently in the market, is currently the only hydrogen supplement in the US with new dietary ingredient status with the FDA, which is the legal requirement for new ingredients.
Drink HRW’s hydrogen tablets have revolutionized the hydrogen water as they are being touted as the most promising preventative aging supplement on the market.
With over 1,500 publications on potential hydrogen water benefits in 170 disease models throughout every organ, these hydrogen tablets have been shown to address multiple issues in early clinical research, including largely reversing metabolic syndrome, as shown in 18 of 20 measured outcomes, in a double-blinded, placebo-controlled study involving 60 individuals for six months. Metabolic syndrome afflicts 1 in 3 people in the US, with numbers being similar in most developed nations. The Drink HRW tablets also demonstrated this in a smaller and shorter clinical trial on non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), which is closely related to metabolic syndrome, finding that just 28 days of use was enough to reduce liver fat, dramatically improve insulin sensitivity, and lower another important marker associated with NAFLD, serum aspartate transaminase (AST). Tablets have even shown to be as effective as 100 mg of caffeine in raising alertness after 24 hours of sleep deprivation in 23 young healthy volunteers, in a head-to-head crossover model.
Explaining how these hydrogen tablets work, Tarnava said, “Hydrogen therapy has shown to affect gene expression, regulating thousands of activities, especially when stress is involved. Basically, hydrogen gas acts as an auditor or supervisor in the cells and corrects functions back to harmony. Hydrogen has shown to regulate production of antioxidants within the body, while also increasing oxidative processes, driving towards homeostasis. Hydrogen acts this way for many other critical functions, such as autophagy, apoptosis, cellular senescence, NAD+/NADH ratios, and critically, a healthy inflammatory response. This is why it has shown to have an effect on so many models.”
Adding insights on this, LeBaron, said “Although neither the true clinical effect nor the exact molecular mechanisms behind hydrogen’s effects are fully elucidated, the small molecule modulates various microRNAs and many signaling proteins and their phosphorylation states, which leads to improvements in inflammation, oxidative stress and the diseased condition being investigated.” Today, dozens of pro athletes, coaches and trainers actively endorse Drink HRW, which attests to its many beneficial effects. The company is also providing product, informally, to over 200 UFC fighters and 150-200 NFL players.
Tarnava has also founded and funded a not-for-profit society aimed at teaching basic scientific controls to the general population, while providing templates on how to maximize the outcomes and reduce the cost of self- experimentation in search of better health, while simultaneously gathering data on effectiveness, or lack thereof on a wide variety of therapies and interventions for both the general population and researchers to utilize.
One key thing to keep in mind with hydrogen-rich water products is that they are not all created equally. The research will determine which products will fail and which are here to stay.