Alkaline diet is a very simple approach to improving the health of your bones that practitioners here in the US have overlooked for almost a century n...
There is a simple, inexpensive but complete method of ensuring you receive the right amount and proportion of the four pillars of alkaline balance and...
So.. what is real alkaline water? Simple. It’s water containing dissolved alkaline minerals. These minerals, once consumed, supplement our natural bu...
Alkaline water exposed by an expert: 21 years drinking it, making it and designing alkaline water systems. Perfect for anyone wondering if it really w...
...He threw in the clunker. "The Cancer Council has finally come out and stated categorically that any alcohol at all heightens your risk of all cance...
I’m going through some serious re-evaluation. You see, I’m getting queries from people about what is in the alkaline diet, and what’s not – as usual....
Alkaline water: it’s the rage. Celebrities, influencers.. everyone is talking about it. But does it really do what the vendors claim? Does Alkaline wa...
”The countless names of illnesses do not really matter. What does matter is that they all come from the same root cause: Too much acid in the body!" I...